Seller’s Estimated Proceeds Worksheet
Seller’s Estimated Proceeds |
Sale Price of Property (Estimated) | |
Less Mortgage Balance (Estimated) | |
Less Other Encumbrances | |
Total | |
Projected Gross Equity | |
Less Estimated Selling/Closing Costs | |
Escrow Charges | |
Document Preparation | |
Title Charges | |
Transfer Tax | |
FHA, VA or Lender Discount | |
Mortgage Pre-Payment Penalty | |
Real Estate Taxes | |
Appraisal | |
Survey | |
Termite Inspection | |
Corrective Work | |
Home Protection Plan | |
Unpaid Assessments | |
Real Estate Commission | |
Other | |
Total Deductions (Estimated) | |
Net to Seller (Estimated) |