
Down Payment Resource

Down Payment Resource is a free tool that connects you and your buyers to available homeownership programs that can help with the down payment, closings costs, and tax credits.

You can search by neighborhood, city, or county or by a specific property address. Make the search even more precise by entering household and professional information. Share the program results and the next steps with your buyers.

Down Payment Resource Reports
View reports such as the Homeownership Program Index (HPI), which measures the availability and characteristics of down payment programs in the DPR database. As well as the monthly Down Payment Report that brings together the latest data on down payments across a variety of sources.

Customizable Flyers and Social Media Images
Down Payment Resource has designed customizable flyers for use by REALTORS® to show their buyers how you can help them find their down payment. Also, feature your own Personal Marketing Tool on social media! These images were designed for your use on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Learn more about Down Payment Resource

To view the recording of the March 2021 webinar with NYSAR, visit:
To visit the DPR Education page, visit: