Business Meeting FAQs
1Q: What are the NYSAR Business Meetings?
1A: The NYSAR Business Meetings are your opportunity to get directly involved with your state association and make your voice heard on important industry and association issues. With three days of committee meetings, working groups, forums, educational programs, and interactive sessions, all leading up to the annual Board of Directors meeting. Topics discussed at such meetings/sessions are related to your business, your membership, the real estate industry, and afford you the opportunity to network with the top real estate leaders across the state.
2Q: When and where are the Business Meetings held?
2A: The Business Meetings are held twice a year; once in the winter, and once in the fall. Typically the Mid‐Winter Business Meetings are held at the Desmond Hotel & Conference Center in Albany, NY in February, and the Fall Business Meetings at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino in September/October.
3Q: How do I get involved in a committee, forum, and/or working group?
3A: Each July members are notified that they may request committee assignments for the subsequent year in an online format. The NYSAR leadership team reviews the requests and members are notified of their assignments in the month of November via email.
4Q: What is the difference between an open committee, a termed committee, a forum, a working group, and a foundation?
4A: A standard open committee, such as the Fair Housing & Cultural Diversity Committee, is an open committee that anyone can attend and you don’t need to be listed on the committee to participate – this type of committee can recommend to adopt/modify NYSAR policies and procedures.
A termed committee, such as the Organizational Planning Committee, is a closed meeting and only those assigned to the committee may attend – a termed committee may also recommend to adopt/modify NYSAR policies and procedures.
A forum, such as the Legislative Policy Forum, is open to anyone that would like to attend – a forum typically focuses on industry issues and cannot recommend to adopt/modify NYSAR policies and procedures, they may, however, send an item to the corresponding committee for their consideration.
A working group, such as the Article 12A Working Group, is open to anyone that would like to attend – a working group typically focuses on one single issue and cannot recommend to adopt/modify NYSAR policies and procedures, they may, however, send an item to the corresponding committee for their consideration.
A foundation, such as the Housing Opportunities Foundation, is usually an independent organization operated under the NYSAR umbrella and are closed meetings and only those assigned to the board may attend – the foundations set their own goals, policies, and procedures.
5Q: How do I get appointed to a termed committee?
5A: You may request any termed committee during the online committee signup in the month of July. However, there are a limited number of positions, and the leadership team ultimately makes these appointments. You may also choose to let the incoming President know of your volunteer desires.
6Q: How do I get appointed to a foundation?
6A: Each independent organization has its own nominating committee. You should request service during the online committee signup in the month of July, or reach out to the president/chair of that foundation yourself.
7Q: How do I register for the Business Meetings?
7A: Two months prior to the first day of the business meetings, a registration email is sent to the membership. The registration email includes; a preliminary agenda, registration details, hotel rates, and other supporting materials. You will need to contact the hotel directly to secure overnight room accommodations – make sure to tell the hotel you are attending the “New York State Association of REALTORS® Business Meetings” in order to receive the discounted rate.
8Q: Is there a fee associated with registering for the Business Meetings?
8A: There is no fee associated with registering for the business meetings as a whole, however, pay attention to sessions that are marked with a plus sign (+) on the agenda, as those may have a fee associated with attending.
9Q: Where do I go when I arrive at the hotel for the Business Meetings?
9A: There will be a designated registration area to pick up your materials. You can also reference the hotel reader board which will display event and session locations.
10Q: What meetings can I attend while at the Business Meetings?
10A: In your registration materials, there will be a preliminary agenda. Meetings identified with an asterisk (*) are closed meetings and you can only attend if you have been assigned to the particular group or if you have been invited by the chair or staff. Anything identified with a plus sign (+) means there is additional registration and/or cost associated with that session. All other sessions/meetings are open to anyone to attend.
11Q: Do I get reimbursed for my expenses to travel to the Business Meetings?
11A: NYSAR does not reimburse for travel expenses to attend the business meetings. Some of the local boards may have a stipend policy – you should contact your local board to find out. There is no fee to register for the meetings and we provide discounted overnight room rates for you to take advantage of.
12Q: How is the schedule arranged and why do the Business Meetings run for 4 days?
12A: The business meeting offer anywhere from 40 to 50 meetings, sessions, and special events that run during the 4 day set of meetings. As anyone could imagine, scheduling these many meetings without some kind of conflict is almost impossible. The schedule is specifically designed the way it is to pay special attention to each meeting and try to provide no conflicts for the leadership team, chairs, and vice-chairs, and termed committee appointees. The hotel space also plays a factor – there is a limited amount of rooms to accommodate all the meetings and the hotel staff needs time in‐between meetings to refresh and rearrange the rooms for subsequent meetings. The Executive Committee meets at the end of the 3rd day to review all recommendations that have been proposed from the committees in the preceding days. Once the Executive Committee meeting has concluded, staff then prepares materials to be presented to the Board of Directors on the 4th day. The succession of events is ideal for the leadership team and staff to prepare all items and materials to properly conduct the business of the association.
13Q: What should I attend as a first‐timer?
13A: During the registration period for the Business Meetings, NYSAR staff regularly reviews the registration list to identify first‐time attendees. The identified first‐timers are then sent a brief survey to gauge their interests and share what prompted them to register. This information helps NYSAR staff compile a packet of customized materials including an on‐site agenda with meetings highlighted based on the survey response, a map of the hotel, and helpful tips for navigating their first set of meetings. First‐time attendees receive their packets in the week prior to the meetings. The must‐attend sessions are the Legal Update, General Session, and President’s Reception.
14Q: Where do I find an agenda for a meeting I plan to attend?
14A: All agendas are posted on at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting date and time.
15Q: How is a committee meeting conducted?
15A: NYSAR follows Robert’s Rules of Order as prescribed by the NYSAR bylaws. NYSAR also follows the established policies and procedures, bylaws of the association, statement of policy, and strategic plan.
16Q: Where do I find minutes of meetings I attended or was unable to attend?
16A: All minutes are posted on no later than one month after the meetings have concluded.
17Q: Who do I speak with if I have a question about a specific committee or have an item I want placed on the agenda?
17A: You should always contact the chair of the committee and the staff liaison associated with that committee. Committee descriptions with staff liaisons can be found here.
18Q: If I am a new NYSAR Director, what should I attend?
18A: There is a mandatory new director training session the day before the Board of Directors meeting. You should also plan to attend the leadership conference at the Mid‐Winter Business Meetings if your schedule and budget allow.
19Q: What is my role as a NYSAR Director on Board of Directors and when do they meet?
19A: The Board of Directors meets in‐person twice a year. There may also be instances when a special meeting is called – the bylaws require that the board be noticed at those times. A brochure laying out your role as a director is included in your packet of information when you check‐in at registration.
20Q: What is my role as a NYSAR Delegate and when does the Delegate Body meet?
20A: The Delegate Body meets once a year during the annual meetings – this is the Fall Business Meetings. The Delegate Body approves bylaws amendments, the statement of policy, and directors to serve on the Board of Directors for the subsequent year.