Individuals seeking elected office without recommendation
Procedure for individuals seeking elected office without receiving the recommendation of the Nomination Committee
Pursuant to Article IV, Section 7, of the bylaws of the New York State Association of REALTORS®, Inc., (NYSAR) individuals seeking elective office not receiving the recommendation of the Nominating Committee may petition to be placed on the ballot only if they have submitted a completed application. A copy of the application can be found in the Governance section of
All candidates for statewide office or Regional Vice President must be a NYSAR member in good standing and have at least one year of service on the NYSAR Board of Directors.
Section 7. Election of Officers: The election of Officers for the ensuing year shall take place at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors. Candidates for President-Elect or Secretary/Treasurer seeking the Nominating Committee’s recommendation must submit a typed completed application, utilizing a process as the Chief Executive Officer determines is appropriate, that is provided by NYSAR with the signature of the candidate to the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee in care of the NYSAR CEO. Applications will be marked CONFIDENTIAL. Applications must be received by the NYSAR CEO during a period beginning from the date of the Nominating Committee’s formal announcement to the Board of Directors of its recommendation for the ensuing year and ending August 31 of that year. After the date of August 31st, the NYSAR CEO has 1 week to review submitted applications. Upon being notified by the NYSAR CEO of any issue with the application, the candidate will have 1 week to remedy any such issues. Thereafter, the NYSAR CEO will notify applicants whether their application has been accepted.
Individuals seeking the office of Secretary/Treasurer or President-Elect not receiving the recommendation of the Nominating Committee may petition to be placed on the ballot only if they have submitted a new completed application at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors, and have the endorsement of not less than one-third of the Member Boards. The petition and completed application must be submitted to the NYSAR CEO at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors. Notification of any eligible petition would be made to each member of the Board of Directors at least twenty (20) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
At the sole discretion of the presiding officer, the election of any Officer shall be by either/or:
- Signed paper ballot
- A show of hands
- Voice vote
- Electronic vote
- Utilizing a process as the presiding officer determines is appropriate. In any case where there are two (2) or more nominees for one office, and the candidate who shall receive the majority of all votes cast shall be declared elected. In the absence of a majority, the nominee with the fewest votes will be eliminated from the ballot and a new vote taken. This process shall continue until one of the last two remaining candidates receives a majority of all votes cast. No proxy vote is permitted.
NYSAR Officers, members of the NYSAR Nominating Committee including alternates and NYSAR staff, may not endorse any candidate for statewide office.
Candidates for office and/or a candidate’s representative(s) are prohibited from contacting NYSAR officers and members of the Nominating Committee including alternates with regards to promoting any candidacy.
Nominating Committee members including alternates should contact appropriate NYSAR staff and not contact candidates to discuss matters related to the nominating process. Nominating Committee members are permitted to discuss personal or unrelated association business with candidates.
No candidate for office may also serve as a member of the Nominating Committee.
(A) The elective year shall be January 1 to December 31.