Zoom Class Instructions
The NYS Department of State is temporarily allowing for the remote delivery of live instruction via Zoom. As your providing school, we will manage the delivery of GRI classes, with a live instructor, to individuals around the state.
Please take some time to familiarize yourself with Zoom by viewing this or other Zoom.us tutorials. Prior to your first session, you will need to know how to share your video, mute and un-mute yourself, raise your hand and post questions in the chatbox.
In order to participate, you will need to use a device with a camera so that your participation may be verified by our staff throughout each session. You will also need to use your microphone or call into the webinar. Knowing that the instructor, moderator, and fellow participants will be able to see you, please dress appropriately and avoid plaid, check, or patterned tops as they can be distracting.
Before class, please download the course manual using the link that was provided in your confirmation email and have it available on a separate screen to access during the class. Alternatively, you may print the manual to use during the webinar.
You must sign in to your first session at least 15 minutes early and have taken the Zoom tutorial so you are familiar with where your video and microphone controls are, how to raise your hand and where the Chatbox is to type in your questions. This is critical so as not to delay the other participants.
We will be monitoring your participation throughout the program. Please be advised that, in order to earn credit, you’ll need to attend all three segments of the class for the full time. Each session will be 2.5 hours with two 10-minute breaks.
Please keep your microphone muted during the program. With the help of the moderator and your use of the chat function, the instructor will be able to respond to your questions during the sessions. If you have any issues connecting or during the class, you may call 800.239.4432 x219 for assistance.