
Steps to Earning the RCE Designation

Review the RCE website

Start the RCE Applicant Data Form (ADF)
350 points are required to submit the ADF; enter in what you have earned points in and then use as a guide to earn additional points.

Print or purchase a copy of The Answer Book
This is the main reference for the RCE exam, as well as the self-study courses.

Gather other references needed

Print the AE Competencies and RCE Body of Knowledge
(Note: the RCE Body of Knowledge competencies are identified by a diamond symbol)

Complete one of these two self-study courses: REALTOR® association Management Self-Study Course (no cost/50 points on ADF)


Advanced REALTOR® association Management Self-Study Course ($150/75 points on ADF)

For more information, contact:
Renee Holland
[email protected]

Krystal Allen
[email protected]

Ashely Labanics
[email protected]