Fourth Quarter 2019
Get up-to-date information on legal and regulatory issues affecting New York State’s REALTORS®.
Fourth Quarter 2019
Court Denies Broker Commissions in Three Transactions with Same Clients
In a recent court decision, a broker unsuccessfully sued to recover commissions in 3 different transactions with the same clients.
DOS proposes new regulation addressing advertising the listing of another broker
DOS has proposed a new regulation impacting IDX feeds and licensees that pay a third-party to advertise where the advertisement will appear on the same webpage as another broker’s exclusive listing.
Court Finds that Landlord is Not Required to Allow Emotional Support Dog Without Sufficient Proof of Disability-Related Need
A recent New York City Court decision ruled in favor of a landlord, determining that a tenant did not satisfy the burden of proof that the dog she and her son were keeping, qualified as an assistance animal.
Tenant is awarded damages against Landlord for discrimination
In a recent New York City case, a tenant successfully sued her landlord for discrimination based upon her immigration status.
NYSAR supported amendment to continuing education requirements signed into law
On October 23, 2019, Governor Cuomo signed into law a NYSAR supported an amendment that eliminates the exemption or “grandfathering” of brokers from having to complete continuing education.