
Third Quarter 2019


Get up-to-date information on legal and regulatory issues affecting New York State’s REALTORS®.

Third Quarter 2019

Brokerage’s Claim for Commission Allowed in Bankruptcy Case
In the recent bankruptcy case In re Kerner, 2019 Bankr. LEXIS 1455 (Bankr SDNY 2019), the court ruled in favor of the listing brokerage for their commission claim.

Tenant Awarded $25,000 for Being Denied Rental on the Basis of Gender Identity
In a recent New York City Human Rights Case, a complainant was awarded compensation in the amount of $25,000 due to being denied housing on the basis of her gender identity.

Lawyers Must Obtain the Consent of their Client Before Providing Purchase Contract to Broker
Lawyers are required to obtain their client’s informed consent prior to sharing a purchase contract with said client’s real estate broker, according to the New York State Bar Association Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion 1161